The Many Facets of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, by Joan Andrews and Denise Davis, is a wonderfully rich presentation of what it is like to be an adult with Attention
Deficit Disorder. The years of experience the authors have had with this disorder shows on every page. The modern tools of medical science, from brain scans to molecular biology, are beginning to provide us
with greater insights into the cause of ADD. It is clear that it is a genetic disorder, that the symptoms often persist into adulthood, and that the genes involved affect many different brain chemicals,
including dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These defects especially impact the function of the frontal lobes of the brain. Since the frontal lobes are involved in attention span, motivation,
organization, planning, memory, learning, motor activity, and the self-correction of one's mistakes, individuals with ADD can have problems in all of these areas.
Andrews and Davis describe many new areas not usually covered by other books, including the effect of ADD on problems with temper control, addictive behaviors, domestic violence and
criminal behaviors. While this collection of problems can have a devastating impact on many areas of one's life, the authors also emphasize that ADD can have a positive influence on drive, energy level and creativity.
ADD is a complex, genetic behavioral disorder. Because it affects behavior instead of something physically obvious, like height or eye color, it is often misdiagnosed and often ridiculed and claimed to be a non-existent
entity. This is particularly tragic, because the treatment of this disorder can dramatically improve people's lives. That treatment can involve medication, or it can involve the hundreds of non-medical approaches and
suggestions the authors so well describe. A combination of both can be particularly effective.
Anyone with ADD, a relative with ADD, or simply with an interest in human behavior, will benefit from reading these pages.
Table of Contents
- Foreword pg. iii
- Prologue pg. v
- The Authors' Stories pg. vii
- Chapter 1 An ADD Adult? Who, Me? pg. 1
- Chapter 2 Is ADD Just a Fad? What's All the Fuss? pg. 21
- Chapter 3 ADD: Not Just Hyperactivity, But Much, Much More pg. 35
- Chapter 4 Education: ADD's Impact pg. 57
- Chapter 5 Memory and Study Skills for ADD Adults pg. 73
- Chapter 6 The Silent Killer of Relationships: Mating and Relating with ADD pg. 97
- Chapter 7 ADD and Domestic Violence pg. 111
- Chapter 8 ADD and Addiction: What is Controlling My Life? pg. 127
- Chapter 9 ADD Adults in Recovery: Why a New Approach is Needed pg. 135
- Chapter 10 The ADD and Crime Connection pg. 153
- Chapter 11 Understanding ADD in the Workplace: For Employers, Employees and Co-Workers pg. 169
- Chapter 12 I'm Convinced! Where Can I Get a Diagnosis? pg. 193
- Chapter 13 Treatment of Adult ADD: Now That I Know What I Have, What Do I Do About It? pg. 209
- Chapter 14 Help! Even with Medication, I Still Have Problems: Learning How to Cope pg. 243
- Chapter 15 ADD for Real pg. 257
- Appendix pg. 265
- Bibliography pg. 269
- Index pg. 275
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What Reviewers Have Said
"Sensitively and compassionately written by an experienced professional. A welcome resource for adults with attention disorder, their loved ones, and healthcare professionals who guide these adults to new understandings and accomplishments."
--Edna D. Copeland, Ph.D.
Director National Professional in Attention Deficit Disorders (NPC/ADD)
Author of Attention Please and Medications for Attention Disorders and Related Medical Problems
"To understand ADD is to diagnose ADD. To understand ADD is to treat it., This extraordinary book brings to us a lucid understanding of ADD through the author´s considerable experience. The book might well have been titled "Feeling Your Way Through the Emotion of ADD" for few have been able to so vividly portray what it's like to have ADD."
--Stephen C. Copps, M.D.
Director, MCCG Institute for Developmental Medicine
Author of The Attending Physician
"An outstanding volume of work. Buy this book and hurry to a favorite reading place. Find guidelines for life changing action plans that can move you onward and upward"
--Jim Reisinger, President and Founder
National Conference on ADD in Adults and
ADDult Information Exchange Network (
"This easily read and understood book will help teenagers and adults to understand and successfully cope with their ADD in their personal lives as well as their academic/work lives. Equally important, the authors describe in meaningful detail the frequent complications that often mask ADD and interfere with its successful treatment, particularly violence and addictions. The rich clinical illustrations and the practical advice address critical yet often neglected management issues such as interpersonal problems with significant others, consideration and planning for further education and training, and how to deal with the workplace."
--Lawrence M. Greenberg, M.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota
Author of the T.O.V.A. Computer Programs.
The Authors
Joan M. Andrews, M.S., M.F.C.C., L.E.P. is an Educational Psychologist and Marriage and Family and Child Counselor with 25 years of experience diagnosing and treating children and adolescents with ADD. Within the last 15 years she has added ADD adults to her practice. She has a strong commitment to ADD education and has an on-going series of ADD seminars as well as coaching and support groups in her office.
Denise E. Davis, M.S., M.F.C.C. is a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in private practice and has a lengthy history teaching non-traditional youth at California State University, Long Beach. She lectures extensively and sees many ADD individuals and families in her practice.