Hope Press, Inc.; - Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD), Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder - Books, Research and Resources.


By: Adam Seligman

Echolalia is the story of best selling writer Jackson Evans, who is diagnosed at age 35 as having Tourette syndrome, a complex genetic disorder characterized by tics, vocal noises (including obscenities), and obsessive-compulaive behaviors. At first, he is grateful for the answers it brings him, but Jackson soon realizes that the real problems are just beginning...

The story is told in a poetic style that captures the rhythms that smooth the Touretter. It ends with the ultimate truth - the answer isn't in being diagnosed, the answer is in living.


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What Reviewers Have Said

"Knowing about Tourette syndrome did not prepare me for what I found in Echolalia. The Outward signs of Tourette are hard to miss, but the internal symptoms, the continual mental disquiet, are unguessable. I've watched as Adam Seligman's spirit had bested Tourette and not, I marvel as his talent inspires and educated. Echolalia is a disturbing, heartening and no-to-be-missed experience."
--Ed Asner

This debut novel by Adam Ward Seligman, provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of Tourette syndrome and its impact on the creative process. The slant on the subject is fresh, the writing style engaging, and the insights rare and disturbing. I look forward to hearing more from this talented writer.
--Sue Grafton
Author of "H" is for Homicide

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