While awareness of addictive behavior and attention deficit disorder has grown in the national consciousness, a vital connection between the two has received little attention. Now, a counselor and a scientist, both independently, come together to explain a link between these debilitatng afflictions. One, the counselor, had wrestled with his own ADHD and alcoholism, the other, the scientist, had been researching the link between alcohol and the brain for over two decades. In this groundbreaking work, they provide the reader with penetrating insights into the nature of ADHD, its connection with addictive behavior, and possible solutions for escaping the deadly spiral that entraps those unforunate enough to be afflicted by both.
David K. Miller has been studying the relationship between ADHD and alcoholism for over twenty yeaers. He has a master´s degree in counseling, and is certified CSAC II. He is also certified as a relapse prevention specialist, and conducts workshops and retreats on these issues. He is currently an associate professor in teh Addiction Studies Program at Graceland College. He and his wife Merlene are the authors of numerous books, including Learning to Live Again: A Guide to Recovery from Chemical Dependence and Reversing the Weight Gain Spiral.
Kenneth Blum has been involved in scientific pharmaceutical research for more than 25 years, with a degree in medical scince and a Ph. D. in neuropharmacology. He has studied at the University of Texas Health Science Center, the Southwest Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, and the University of Colorado Institute of Behavioral Genetics, among others. in 1990, together with Ernest Nobel of UCLA and his colleagues at eh University of Texas, Blum found the first specific molecular link to alcoholism: the D2 receptor gene. He is the author of Alcohol and the Addictive Brain.
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction by David Miller
- Introduction: The Scientific Viewpoint by Kenneth Blum, Ph. D.
- The Fly on the Wall Down the Hall Is Driving Me Crazy: David's Story
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Causes and Consequences
- Reward Deficiency: Crime at the Neuron
- Addiction: The Pain of the Gain
- It's Baaack!
- Reward Deficiency Syndrome: Genetic Blueprints for Behavioral Disorders
- Diagnosis of ADHD and Addiction
- Treatment Options
- Self-Care
- Life Is More Than Just Surviving
- Hope for the Future
- Afterword
Appendix A
- Epilogue by Kenneth Blum, Ph. D.
- The Disease Precept: A view to the Future
Appendix B
- A Search for a Gene Associated with Alcoholism
Appendix C
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Genetic Studies
Appendix D
- Notes
- Glossary
- Suggested Readings
- Resources
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What Reviewers Have Said
" Fifteen years ago, no one had ever heard of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Today it is the most common behavioral disorder in American children. "
- Time