- NATIONAL TOURETTE SYNDROME ASSOCIATION This is the official INTERNET site for the Tourette Syndrome Association. It includes information on TS; Medical and scientific updates; history of TSA; humour; and a guest book. Several excellent articles on TS can be downloaded from TSA's press database. A must visit for the Tourette Syndrome community and people wanting more background.
- TOURETTE SYNDROME ASSOCIATION: Southern California Chapter
Tourette Syndrome Spectrum Disorder Association
30733 E. Sunset Dr. South
Redlands, CA 92373 This is the official INTERNET site for the Tourette Syndrome Association, Southern California Chapter.
- THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY This site includes information on legislation, a catalog and, fact sheets dealing with issues relevant to mental health.
- THE AMERICAN INSTITUE OF NUTRITION The institute is a research society that deals with the science of nurtition. The site allows visiters access to it's "Journal of Nutrition".
- ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER HELP PAGE Listings of: agencies, support groups, books, audio and visual
tapes, and links to alternative medicine sites.
- MEDICINE ON-LINE Directed towards professionals, this site provides access to medical journal articles. It also has an online bookstore and links to other related sites.
- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS AND STROKE Aimed at professionals in the field, this site offers information on: General science-based information about selected neurological disorders; News releases about exciting discoveries
in neuroscience; Health Information; Clinical studies at the NIH, voluntary health agencies, clinical alerts and advisories.
- Many drugs prescribed today have been known to cause as a side effect Tourette Syndrome. Additionally, when these drugs are prescribed in combination with drugs for other disorders, the risks for serious illness or even death increases greatly. This site is dedicated to educating the public about the details of prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as aiding in the protection of patients and consumers by informing them of any associated side effects.
ASSOCIATIONS (Other than Tourette Syndrome associations) (back to top)
- NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR RARE DISORDERS: NORD The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated
to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through
programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.
- EASTER SEAL SOCIETY Founded in 1919, Easter Seals is a nationwide network of 135 affiliate societies serving 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The Societies operate nearly 500 program service
sites to meet the needs of more than one million people annually. Easter Seals provides programs and services for both adults and children.
- ALT.SUPPORT.TOURETTE is a Usenet newsgroup that functions both as an online support group for this rare illness and a repository
for up-to-date information on Tourette's Syndrome, related events, and other relavent issues.
Two new online support groups. One is for adults and one is for children. To subscribe all you have to do is send an e-mail to: In the body of the message
type: "subscribe tourette" to subscribe to the adult group; or type: "subscribe ts-kids." to subscribe to the childrens group.
- MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOPITAL: DEPARTMENT OF NEUROLOGY$/chat/index Massachusetts Genral Hospital host a public chat room that is
specifically reserved for poeple who want to chat about Tourette Syndrom. Not only can users use simple keyword comands to view online graphics "while" chatting, occasionaly
MGH neurologists host "moderated Q&A sessions" on-line.
LOCATION: AOL Member Rooms --> France --> Tourette
Sundays at 10pm Eastern Standard Time people log on to
discuss anything and everything about Tourettes.
- EQUAL ACCESS TO SOFTWARE AND INFORMATION This group is dedicated to disseminating up-to-date information about access to computing and information technology for persons with disabilities. The general term for what they
advocate is "adaptive computing," which simply means using special computer hardware and software to make things easier and more accessible.
EASI'S mission is to serve as a resource to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities.
- THE "REHABDATA" LITERATURE DATABASE REHABDATA is a database that contains bibliographic records
with abstracts (summaries) of the materials in the NARIC library. REHABDATA covers all aspects of disability and rehabilitation, and includes research reports, books, journal
articles, and audiovisual materials. As materials are added to the NARIC collection, they are also added to REHABDATA. REHABDATA currently contains information on more than 50,000 documents. The keyword-searchable Web version contains information on about 14,000--all records added since
January, 1991.
- DISEASES, DISORDERS AND RELATED TOPICS Resources for laypersons, health care professionals and scientists. Some of the areas covered are: Bacterial and Fungal
Diseases; Virus Diseases; Musculoskeletal Diseases; Digestive System Diseases; Stomatognathic Diseases; Respiratory Tract Diseases; Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases; Nervous System
Diseases; Eye Diseases; Urologic and Male Genital Diseases; Female Genital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications; and much, much more!!
- MENTAL HEALTH NET The largest, most comprehensive guide to mental health online, featuring over 4,000 individual resources. Our friendly & fun site covers topics in self-help, psychology, psychiatry and
social work.